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Staying connected with us

We're missing all of our visitors during this difficult time. We would like to send you all our warmest wishes and our thoughts are with you and your families. As we are sure you are already aware, in response to the impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19), we made the difficult decision to close to the public on Friday 20th March until further notice. 

Our doors may be closed, but there are plenty of ways you can stay connected with us from afar. We've uploaded several of our exhibits onto our YouTube channel and are posting daily updates of fun activities and illusions on our social media channels. If you don't follow us already, why not take a look today? 

We'd love to hear from you too! Let us know about your favourite exhibits or what behind the scenes videos and pictures you'd like to see and we'll share these over the coming weeks. 

Thank you for your continued support during this time and we look forward to welcoming you back soon. 


Walk inside our building

Go from the very bottom to the very top of our magnificent 6 storey building, from our basement workshop to the very top of our 167-year-old Camera Obscura.


Sunset over Edinburgh

Missing our stunning rooftop views of Edinburgh? Watch the sun set over the city in this magnificent time-lapse film taken from the Rooftop Terrace. 


Rubik's Cube Challenge 

Take part in our Rubik's Cube challenge. Scott from our retail team can solve a Rubik's Cube in only 52 seconds! Wow, how amazing is that?! Can you do it any quicker?




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